How quickly do organizations realize ROI on their Security Intelligence deployments?

Recent advancements in artificial intelligence and security intelligence indicate that the technology has the potential to become an invaluable asset for companies in a wide variety of sectors. In this article, we break down the steps that businesses may take to get a return on investment (ROI) from their security intelligence deployments.

When companies add intelligence analytic systems to their security operations, they naturally question ROI. Intelligence program costs are mainly the analyst’s pay and related charges, but how do assess program benefits? Can security intelligence analysis be quantified? Could security intelligence analysts increase revenue? Our experience in establishing intelligence programs for large customers leads us to believe that it is possible to demonstrate a satisfactory return on investment for projects involving corporate security intelligence analysis. This blog provides some pointers for all of you to follow.

Security Intelligence analysts should do more than just make sure that security is good. If a company can only hire analysts for its corporate security departments, it won’t be able to split its spending among a wider range of budget owners or user information for a wider range of business interests. I will tell you why. First, let’s look at what security intelligence analysts do for companies and how the return on investment for these jobs can be calculated.

The ROI of Security intelligence: possibilities and prerequisites

When trying to justify the return on investment (ROI), IT teams should also evaluate how well threat intelligence can be incorporated into an existing security architecture. The automation of a network’s cybersecurity is not a simple task, and it will require a significant amount of effort to ensure that incoming threats are not able to circumvent an inadequately constructed network security platform. Inadequate performance lowers the perceived value of a threat intelligence resource, which causes management to feel annoyed that they are paying for an expensive resource that isn’t providing all of the benefits that were promised by the security team.

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Security intelligence pervades almost every firm, delivering a favorable ROI from its adoption. Security intelligence ROI comes in four ways:

Product suggestions in internet merchants enhance revenue.
Automation results in cost savings while simultaneously increasing productivity.
Risk management makes use of security intelligence to ensure the safety of people or computer systems.
Aspects that are not related to finances include the quality and promptness of customer service.

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