
Transferring currency from one country to another.

Conversion rates

Comparing conversion rates and fees can save you money. With our real-time comparison engine, you’ll discover the best international money transfer option in a few clicks. We established a real-time comparison tool to evaluate the top international money transfer services.

Rate mark-ups

We try our best to study and identify the most economical solutions for you. However, to provide the best possible experience with remittances, we may look at every product available on the market.

Our mission

We give real-time assistance in locating, comparing, and reviewing various money transfer services for international senders. To assist you in identifying the best service for your transfer, we will retrieve their costs and exchange rates when you initiate a comparison.

Content Spotlight

What is Remittance?

Money is sent through wire transfer, e-payment system, mail, draft, or cheque. Any expense, whether for your company or to take care of personal matters like remitting money to loved ones, may be paid with a remittance.

How does a transfer of remittance work?

The root of the term “remittance” is the verb “remit,” which means “to send back.” Today, the word “remittance” most often refers to the practice of transferring money to a family member or friend living in a distant nation.

Why trust us?

Our real-time comparison engine allows you to assess and contrast the leading international money transfer companies. We provide competitive exchange rates, and our money transfer and remittance service are cost-efficient. In addition to this, there are no hidden costs or commissions and no transfer fees. The system is entirely transparent.

State-of-the-art capabilities

We strive to complete all transactions within a specific time frame since we respect your time. Our system facilitates the administration of the whole software export life cycle, from the first remittance submission through the receipt of incoming payments and the subsequent regularization of bills.

24/7 Online money transfer

Our remittance service enables transfers between bank accounts in different countries. You should evaluate transfer costs and currency rates before selecting a money transmitter. It’s possible that fees, foreign currency rates, and taxes may differ depending on the product line, distribution channel, and geographic region.

What is the difference between a bank transfer and a remittance?

You need to perform a bank transfer when you want to move money from one bank account to another. A “bank remittance” refers to transferring funds from one bank account to another and describes the transaction.

How long does it take for remittances to clear?

Many factors may affect how long your money transfers from one bank to another, including precautions to prevent fraud, the currency used, the time zone of the receiver, and any bank holidays or weekends. Most wire transfers take two business days, but some may take up to five.

Bank transfer
Take the comforts of home with you everywhere you go with Sowedane. The money will arrive in the bank accounts of your loved ones right away if you use a bank transfer. It’s simple, and you only need a computer or mobile device to do it. Mobile money transfer that is quick and safe
Remit service providers
Our service saves you time by doing the legwork of evaluating rates from many banks and suppliers. You may use the material and data provided by our services to look up and track remittance exchange rates.
Great exchange rates
Keep track of currency rates, if the required transfer rate has been attained, and special promotions. Money transfer services for businesses are precious, and the organizations that provide them are highly respected, working with the world’s largest banks and financial institutions.
Exchange Rate
Sowedane is an online remittance service with the goal of streamlining, lowering the cost of and increasing the clarity of international money transfers. Check out the current exchange rate on this website to get an idea of the many currencies used when sending money from one country to another.

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